Saturday, February 27, 2010

Workshop on the Tao Te Ching, April 2010

As I had mentioned before, I am working with my teacher to set up a Tai chi Institute which will have as one of its objectives the re-introduction of tai chi principles in everyday life, both for students as well as professionals from different walks of life. It will also initiate research projects to slowly introduce these mid-body-spirit concepts from yoga and tai-chi into programs for those with learning and physical disability as well as for preventive care. While we are still working to set this up, we have organized a small workshop at Batam, an introduction to the Tao te Ching, over the easter weekend. the dates are 2,3,4 Apr, 2010.

The workshop will combine an introduction to the Tao Te Ching, combined with the basics of tai chi exercises for health.

Please let me know if you or anyone you know may be interested in it, either for personal and professional benefit, or as an introduction to Chinese culture and thought. The group will be limited to 15-20 people.

Please email me : for details. You can see the profile of Master Tek at

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