Thursday, February 24, 2011


How is Bowstring Different ?

Most scientific exercise routines nowadays focus on four aspects of exercise:

1. Intensity

2. Volume

3. Frequency

4. Progressive Overload

When a person is faced with the “task” of losing weight, it is natural to think that higher intensity, higher volume, more frequency and more overload, will bring faster weight loss.

But this does not usually happen for most of us. For a few of us who seem to benefit with this approach, the results are shortlived and the damage (return of excess weight due to exhaustion, injury or holidays) long lasting. Why is this so? Somewhere along the way, principles of body building (not necessarily healthy) have become mixed up with weight loss and health training for non-body builders.

There are a few not-so-well known principles of exercise, which have been stressed more by traditional systems like yoga and qi gong. These principles are the pre-requisite conditions to be fulfilled, before a regular exercise program can become effective and safe for you and help you to lose weight steadily and permanently. In the Bowstring System, the above stated exercise principles get converted to

1. Integration of Mind, Breath and Body before Intensity

2. Form before Volume

3. Infiltration rather than Frequency

4. Progressive Ease instead of Overload

According to the philosophy of bioenergetics, there are 3 corrections we need to make which positively affects the way we live our lives. These are corrections in thought process, posture and breathing pattern. How do we do this in our exercise routine and what effect does it have on weight loss?

How does Bowstring Approach Weight Loss?

The Ten Step Bowstring Program prepares you for a gradual yet dramatic transformation, combining bioenergetics and modern exercise science. The same program gives you weight gain or weight loss depending on whether one is underweight or overweight. It is a system which allows the body to find its natural weight based on lifestyle and life stage needs. The modules offered are:

1. Integration of mind, emotion and muscle

2. How to relax while applying effort

3. Thought process correction in exercise and nutrition

4. Natural breathing to raise blood oxygenation

5. Body posture and its effect on metabolism and exercise

6. Sleep and its relation to exercise

7. The relaxation workout

8. The kinetic chain upper body resistance workout

9. Stabilizers and Mobilizers lower body resistance workout

10. Residing at the "Core"- how to access your deepest core muscles.

Watch this space for more details!!


Mari Santos said...

The bowstring method sounds interesting. I haven't heard of this one until now. I definitely need more details about it. Hope you can provide more. :) Thanks for the info, by the way.


Hello Sir, Sounds very interesting. Would love to know more about the Bowstring Program.
Thank you